irvsafdiehJan 12, 2023Sabra Express | Poor Showing1 in 5 Israelis Lived Below the Poverty Line In 2021 Zachy Hennessey, Jerusalem Post, January 12th, 2023 Recap: Israel ranked as having...
irvsafdiehJan 5, 2017Netanyahu Probed, Flight of Venezuelan Jews, Cooking CoexistenceBenjamin Netanyahu Questioned in Israel Graft Inquiry Isabel Kershner, New York Times, January 2nd 2017 Recap: Prime Minister Benjamin...
irvsafdiehDec 15, 2016US Embassy Move, Poverty in Israel, Donut BurgerTrump: Moving U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem ‘Very Big Priority’ Felicia Schwartz, Wall Street Journal, December 12th 2016 Recap: By...